Vintage Dodge, Vintage Cowboy

Vintage Dodge, Vintage Cowboy… I met an ole boy at the Grand Ole RV Resort, that owns Vintage Shine moonshine company, preserving one of America’s greatest pastimes. They’ll be coming with our brew to a saloon near you, and you can find them on Facebook if you’d like to know more (Click this link)…
The Pan Headz Band…

Donavon and the PanHeadz Band… Aaron Rodgers, owner and CEO of Nashville Recording Studio (click here for the FaceBook page), stopped by to support a demonstration of Andy Craig’s one of a kind design custom built musical instruments from Panheadz. Andy has some unique, beautiful and some funny instruments. Check them out at this FaceBook […]
Will Sing for Food!

Will Sing for Food! A photo my wife took at a concert in Augusta, GA became an inspiration for a phenomenal artist (and stranger) Jason Juranek. Jason (check out his FB page here) who painted this photo and later gifted it to me as at a KulaBrands convention in Las Vegas. And now it’s my album […]
Bart and Yetis Bar and Grill

Bart and Yetis Bar and Grill. My good friend Matt Toth invited me to Bart & Yeti’s in Vail, Colorado one of Vail’s only local pubs left in the valley!
Louies Bar

Louies Bar Rained out at the outdoor venue at The Shops of Northfield when all the fans and spectators jumped in to help keep the equipment dry and relocate to Bar Louie’s in Denver, CO who immediately saved the show by giving us a dry place to entertain. Many thanks to our friends. The show […]